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Fashion Sewista Family

We are family!

My Fashion Sewista family is really special to me and this is why I will always have an eye on the tone and the comments that are going around here 😉


I have to admit that I have been in other sewing groups before and I really could never understand some of the comments that have been made.


May it be things like:

“Oh gosh, this color is just awful and does not look good on you at all. I really would never wear a color like this!”


“I do not think that this is well done. The stitches do not look correctly done and all over it does not fit you.”


“If you ask me I would never wear it!”


Well… dear Fashion Sewista, let me tell you something:


I deeply down to my bones cannot stand nor understand why people with the same love for sewing do this to each other! Our kinds of taste for design, color and shape are as unique as our body measurements. One thinks, red is the color to go and the other one does not wear anything else than black. But WHY giving harsh comments that hurts the other person on this?


Some creative souls do just start to discover their talent and want to celebrate theirs first little baby steps. Why not applause them and cheer them on? Why not support them with some nice words?


Yes, sure, there is always something to learn or something to make better. Even high class designers know that.


So PLEASE – if there is any rule on our Fashion Sewista site and in our family:




If you do not have to say something nice – shut up!


If  you are not asked about your opinion and yours will be not a good one – do not present your opinion!


Always have in mind that we all started somewhere and try to help your creative Fashion Sewista with sewing or designing tips. That would be amazing!


You are

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